I didn't get a sawmill to cut lumber to sell, but when people learn you have a sawmill, folks with downed logs and people looking for wood come out of the woodwork… so to speak.

Sold this red oak slab for $100. Worked out to $2.50/bf for green wood. I cut it on Sunday. I cut it right before I converted my mill from a slabber back to a circle mill. My chain was even pretty dull. Wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, so on craigslist it went. It wasn't on CL for even 24 hours, and I had 3 folks show interest and the 3rd one was the first to show and bought it. 8' tall, 36" wide in the middle and 5/4 thick. Not a primo slab, but it just happened to have the character the folks were looking for. They liked it also because it was thinner and they could handle it themselves. The will use it for a bar top in the house they are building.


If I sell 189 more just like this… I'll have paid for my mill. (Now that's just depressing…)