For those who have a DeWalt 735 planer, you know that it has a fan inside the planer that sucks up the swarf, and then spits it out the dust collector port. Seems to work well.

I bought a Festool Kapex and tried hooking it to my whole shop dust collection system but the swarf collection was not very good. So I got a small shop vac and hooked it to the Kapex and the swarf collection is much better. But the small shop vac fills up too quickly.

Suppose I was to remove the filter from the shop vac and then hook my big dust collection system to the exhaust of the shop vac. Seems that the system would work in a similar manner to the DeWalt 735 planer. The shop vac would provide the high volume of air through the 35mm hose and the swarf would be spit into the big dust collection system.

Can you see any downsides to this? Seems that the major issue is whether the swarf will go through the shop vac fan okay.

I know some people might suggest putting a small separator ahead of the vac but I don't have room for that extra container.
