I received my Jointech SmartMiter Tuesday and did the assembly and set-up yesterday afternoon.

Very little assembly was required. The set-up procedures described in the manual were well written and easy to follow. I had previously watched the video on Jointech's web site so I basically had a head start on set-up.

Of course I was not able to do it as quickly as the person on the video (since he probably has set up a few hundred of them ). However, the set-up was no problem.

After set-up I tested various angled cuts both from the negative and positive positions of the fence. Did a octagon from some scrap material and it came out dead nuts perfect.

I was pleased with the tool from the start. After more testing I will generate a review and post on my web site. -- So far -- So good
This picture shows the parts as received:

This shows the unit after set-up (pic taken from the rear of the TS)
This is a close-up of the fence/stop (also taken from rear of the saw)
