I haven't been around in a few weeks so thought I'd better give an update on my status. Things have slowed down from a slow start to a crawl. Without going into a lot of details we now have no contractor and are doing all the work on the house ourselves. I've spent the past 3 weeks or so framing and roofing on the house and have it dried in.
The shop building is still essentially unstarted. We have a really nice slab with a bit of steel in place and should be getting started on the building in the next week or so.(hopefully)
We had planned on having the whole thing (house and shop) done by now.
Needless to say, between working on the house and trying to get things done here at work I have been pretty well occupied.
I know I should be posting a pic or two but that is in the wind at the moment too. I'll get some up as soon as I can.
I try to at least read the posts every week or so and will be in the shop for the next couple days working on a project that I have to get finished so maybe I can stay current for a bit.
Y'all take care