Quote Originally Posted by glenn bradley View Post
the subject is still viable, I see no problem. I don't know why people have a problem with discussing such things again (still?). ;-)
Reviving old threads is considered a breach of etiquette by some crusty individuals at a certain ski forum I've been involved in, so my first instinct was to apologize even though I certainly thought the subject is very interesting. I guess I'm not used to how civil, tolerant, and helpful the SMC community is yet. Anyway, I only found this thread because someone posted a link in another thread, a fact I forgot by the time I finished all four pages, so clearly I'm not the only one who loves seeing the many ways woodworkers deal with the plethora of tools they have.

I started screwing a frame to the half sheet of pegboard today but ran out of 3/4" clear pine and short screws, so it'll be another day or so before I can hang it. So I played around with some scrap and figured out that I can shape the holes for that simple chisel rack everyone and their Aunt Mabel uses by just wrapping sandpaper around dowels. Of course that led me to conclude that it's time to spring for some reasonably priced files and/or rasps to supplement the one little worn out file I appropriated from my dad decades ago. I'm sure more than one exhaustive conversation about that topic will turn up in a forum search, though.