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Thread: Possible Overlooked Safety Concern?

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    Possible Overlooked Safety Concern?

    Working at a lathe has unique safety concerns. One thing that does not hit the radar very often on these forums, is foot issues related to turning. Over the last few weeks, I have developed a condition known as Plantars Facsiitis, which is a form of tendonitis/severe inflamation of the plantar facscia ligament that connects the heel with the ball of the foot.

    I have anti-fatique mats that I stand on, but I have developed this issue. A very painful situation that makes hobbling the best one can do. From research, it seems that contributing factors include standing for long we do at the lathe. It also seems that good arch support and ankle support are critical.

    Research also shows rest/ staying off your feet, anti-inflamitory meds [nsaids] and perhaps injections are required to improve/recover, with about 5% of cases rquiring surgical intervention.

    Question for turners: What type of shoes do you wear while turning? What is the level of arch and ankle support do your feet have in what you wear at the lathe? Would boots be best, or perhaps another type of shoe?

    I have a demo scheduled in August, and need to be at the lathe in preparation for it, and now this plantars facsiitis won't allow me! It is painful, and can last a year.....not an option! Any tips on speeding up recovery time? I have an appointment scheduled with the Podiatrist, so depending on what she says, there may be injections in store next week?
    Last edited by Roger Chandler; 06-14-2016 at 10:41 AM.
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