Sometimes in life you have to understand that there are people who know more than you do. Of course it could be dangerous trying that cut if you don't know what your doing, then again many of the things we do everyday are dangerous if you don't know what your doing. Tom can make that cut safely as can many of us, doesn't mean everyone should try it. There are plenty of things I do in the shop that I don't let the help do, simply because they're too dangerous. Some people just have a "feel" for how things work and can perform things that the average person cannot. I don't think I could just hop into an Indy car and drive 180 mph, and I'm smart enough to know it without them having to put warnings on the TV telling me not to try it. Personally I'm not a fan of the "nanny state", where we try to protect everyone from everything that could possibly be dangerous. If you find something too dangerous, don't try it! If your not smart enough to know you can't do it then that's natures way of "thinning the herd" Just don't assume because it scares you, that the rest of us shouldn't get to see it.

that's my vent, and I feel better now