I am long overdue buying a portable generator for emergency use.
I have put off buying because I don't know much about them.
I have narrowed my choice down to two because..........

1) Price. This is the price range I like for something that may get used once in 5 years.
2) I have a friend with a Champion brand for years and it has been flawless.

First unit.


Second unit


First off I notice the one from Lowes is only 120 volt. but two 120 outlet
TSC generator is 120/ 240 but only one 120 volt outlet.

Question- Notice they sell a cord to convert 240 to a four outlet 120. What is the advantage? why not get a cheap power strip and plug it into the 120 volt outlet.


I understand 240 volt may come in handy but wonder if I would go to the trouble hooking into the panel to run the furnace , stove etc... If I can just run a space heater ,microwave, refrigerator / freezer on 110 for a few hours in an emergency.

What size generator do you have for an emergency and do you wish you got bigger or smaller?