I'm replacing all of the louvre windows in my house with casement windows. I've already built the frames (douglas fir, loose tenons, Whiteside sash router bit) and now it is glass installation time. The glass dealer gave me a lesson on glazing (on previous windows I had used shop-made mitered wood moldings), but one of his steps goes against everything I have read or seen online. He does not put the glass on a bed of putty or caulk, just straight in the rabbet, then puts in the points, then does the glazing. He has 30 years of experience and said this is how the old-timers did it (he said look under old panes and you will NOT see putty under the glass). Any old-time glaziers out there? Does this sound right? Any possible problems using his method or should I first bed the pane in putty or caulk?

I'm using DAP 33 unless someone can recommend a different glazing putty.

