Hi - I'm building a 7x7 sliding barn door for my workshop and it will have a 2 1/4inch poplar frame with t&g siding for the panels and a series of divided lights across the top. I haven't built Windows before and do t have any special router bits (yet) for the mutins.

i guess I could mortise and tennon square pieces for the mutins, rabbit one side for the glass, then apply narrow strips of molding on both sides. Or do I use glazing on the outside just like my old windows on my house and then put some kind of decorative profile on the inside of the mutin with a router bit? Also - what if I get double pane insulated pieces for each light - does that change the approach?

im sure there are many ways to do this so just try g to figure out what is best given e thickness of e door and my skill level.
