I'm talking about the phenomenon of when you hear, or notice, or are exposed to something-anything- for the first time...
And then you seem to be bombarded with it afterwards? Is there a name for it?

I suppose this is common with 'new' things, especially new catch-phrases. Last one of those I remember was "No worries"...After that first time, it was like every single person I talked to afterward used it in conversation.

My lastest is a little different.

About 2 weeks ago one of my customers brought in one of their parts they were custom fabbing for one of their customers.
They wanted the Spacex logo laser etched onto it. No problem, and it turned out great!

Then last week, one of my LONG time customers I haven't heard from in about 2 years sends me an email, wanting to know if I can laser etch stainless steel license plate frames, as the cheap aluminum ones he's been buying keep corroding from winter road salt. He sent a pic of his current frame...
He's been with them since right after the last time we talked...

Then this morning a Spacex F9-29 rocket blows up, taking out a Facebook satellite along with it...

"Facebook" is another one, but I digress ...

A month ago I'd never heard of Spacex, then 3 times in 2 weeks, all from different sources...