I have an Oneida 3HP Super Dust Gorilla with the fiber drum. Recently I installed a drum bin level sensor kit on it.

Currently I am finishing two raised panel doors for a couple linen closets at the end of our main hallway. I have a Norm Abrams deluxe router station I built and when routing the raised panel I suddenly noticed the cuttings weren't being pulled out of the cabinet.

Long story short, I had reduced suction. I blew out my filter twice and couldn't believe how much of the sanding dust was in the filter. Much more than I have ever seen. Then I looked at the barrel and noticed there was a ring of dust on the outside of the barrel around both of the connections where the metal top and bottom mount on the barrel. I purchased some silicon caulk.

I hope to seal it otherwise it's time to bite the bullet and order a metal replacement.