Hey Folks,

It's been a while since I posted, but I lurk fairly often. Some of you may remember me as the guy who got some great advice and turning service for my Jet JJP-12 from John C. After a tiny bit more tuning of the outfeed roller it is working like a champ and I'm very happy with it. Anyway, on to this post...

I have an old 1.5HP Delta contractor saw that has served me very well. I've been saving my pennies for a new cabinet saw and have had my eyes on a new Grizzly, but also snooping around on Craigslist for a used Unisaw. I found an example of the latter (2.5 hours from me though) that I think would be a contender, but wanted some advice from the collective good will of SMC. Here is a link to the saw, I hope to go look at it this weekend ==> http://lancaster.craigslist.org/tls/5886930275.html

My questions are...
1. That saw in the above link; anyone have one? Any thoughts on the price and model? It looks immaculate from the pics, but I've not spoken directly to the seller yet, nor have I seen it in person.

2. My current saw is a right tilt that has never worked all that well (the tilt, not the saw/motor). After hours of puttering I've never been able to get it to cut bevels at 45 degrees, close, but not at 45. I want to be able to do that, but I'm not sure how much I'll actually do it. On shorter stock I've played with a 45 degree bit in my router/table and that does a very nice job. Question is, if I intend to do more 45 degree bevels, should I be looking more for a left tilt saw? I've read the left vs right version of War and Peace the last few days and am wondering if anyone has gone from a right tilt low end contractor saw like mine, to a mid-grade left tilt cabinet saw and found a new religion. Or, if the War and Peace Cliff Notes, stating that it's personal preference, is all I need to know. :-)

Comments? Thoughts?

Thanks all!

- Paul