After taking what I thought were the correct steps to engrave "C02 TIMER" on a couple of customer panels, when I was done what was actually engraved was "C02 TIMER".
-- I'm still trying to figure out if it was my doing, or if Corel's 'autocorrect' did it. Regardless, I should've checked first!

And yesterday I had "Kellie Jo" in big Segoe Script letters on paper in front of me that a guy wanted on a wood box. Right in front of me, inch and a half high, bold & black. I type it in, change the font, looks good. I put on the blue tape, did a test run, all centered, looks good. I change the settings for a full burn, walk over to the machine and hit the start button... and then immediately hit the pause button...

...because of the Co2 incident, and because I was about to rain fire on someone's one-off home-made box, I thought I'd better check just in case...

And there on the screen, right in front of me, in big black Segoe Script letters, was "Kelli Jo" ...

I came THIS close.....