With the farm I'm outside for a good part of the day, 95-deg or 5-deg. Just like me, the animals wake up hungry so I'm usually feeding and watering when it gets light. Fortunately, with animal care you are always moving - if I stopped to rest I'd be cold to the bones.

BTW, watering is especially interesting in freezing weather, especially where I don't have electric heaters. Using water hoses takes special care also - drain after ever use or, my favorite method, blow the water out with compressed air.

You get acclimated after a while; to an extent a big part of comfort is the relative temperature. I keep the shop near the barn at 60-65 in the winter. 60 would freeze me out in the summer but it sure feels toasty in the winter! If I kept my house as hot as some I've been in I'm not sure I could stand going out. Or coming back in.

I found that if I keep my ears, fingers and toes warm the rest of me doesn't mind the cold much. So earmuffs, gloves and boots, hat/scarf if windy, thermal layer with jeans & jacket - I can stay out all day. Fortunately it doesn't often get teeth-cracking cold in TN but we did have 20-28 temps the last few nights. But if it gets down close to zero (F) I get out the Carhart insulated coveralls!