Short story is that I have a bathtub on my second floor. There was a leak down into the first floor ceiling so tore out the tub and enclosure to find the culprit....i think it was the drain but while it was all out LOML decided that she wanted a new tub etc.

Found one at Lowes which has a nice curved front on it. American Standard Saver.

Under the tub there is a large piece of chip board which basically supports the tub and then under that are two stringers which extend the length of the tub. The stringers are about 1" wide and 2 3/8" deep. The instructions say, "We recommend the use of mortar as bedding material. Apply enough bedding to support the complete bottom of the bath."

Should I be filling the entire 2 3/8" gap with a mortar mix? It seems a bit odd to me to have the stringers and then also have to put down a mortar mix. I was thinking that I might build up the distance between the two stringers with some advantec and either get up to the underside of the chip board or close enough so that there wouldn't be much mortar.

Any thoughts out there on the creek? Or should I not worry about it and just install it as is and forgo the mortar all-together. Again my first plan was to just use plywood to build up the floor to fully support the tub. I was going to glue and screw it down. But I read the instructions and it says to use mortar...

I will probably call american standard tomorrow to ask them but wanted some other opinions.

Btw I am not keen on mixing up a mortar mix which is why I was trying to find an alternative.

Thank you,