I knew I was going to do this sooner or later, with it sticking out of my garage-shop computer at knee-level... sure enough, my knee got it and snapped it...

This is a 32gig drive, an on it is a mechanics WinXP-pro with all SP's and updates, ditto a verison of 98SE, Gravostyle 98, 5 and 5.3, Corel X3 and X4 with all SP's, many machine drivers, instruction manuals and videos for most of my machines, email files going back 18 years, some business info, tax notes, etc, some photos, I think Office '97, 2003, and Frontpage 2000...

So I really would like to get it back ....

Looks simple enough, solder the 4 tabs back on, and solder the plug housing back on the 2 tabs...

(just noticed, the plug is upside down to the other half, but oh well )