I am building the Holzapffel bench based on Chris Schwartz and would like to get some input on the following two issues:

1) I have a Veritas twin screw vise and a (standard) quick release "front" vise. The plan uses (and extolls the virtues of) the twin screw vise as a front vise and a standard vice with dog holes in the front chop for the end vise. The veritas instructions and it's own workbench seem to suggest that the twin screw vise is best used as an end vise. I am now second guessing myself and wondering if I should deviate from the original plan to put the big twin screw vise at the end.... But I can't really think of why this would be more useful other than perhaps for using to glue up (instead of clamps) which I am not really planning to use the bench for.

2). Finishing: I have already read the many finishes used (and combinations thereof) and have settled on following the plans to use Danish Oil (or similar). My question is whether the bench is finished the same way I would a piece of furniture by sanding up to 220 grit on l surfaces before applying finish. Or do I just plane things clean and then use the finish? My instinct is to sand it smooth as any other piece and then apply the finish but all of the plans seem to suggest that the vises should be installed first, then finish. For some reason I am interpreting this to imply that there's no sanding or other finishing technique required and that you can just wipe on the few coats and be done.

Thanks in advance for your insight!