OK, so I've been spending the last week reading just about everything I can about fume extraction. It looks like I have 3 options. 1) vent outside 2) vent into attic (and then outside) or 3) make a fume extractor. Each has its pros and cons. I currently have a relatively large exhaust fan, but I'm learning it's not very well sealed so there's a lot of leakage and I get a lot of fumes inside the garage. I also cut a lot of acrylic and ABS, so that's not great. I have a 60W 'desktop' model. Currently, I just run a 4" hose to the exhaust fan and then run another hose out my door (about 10-15' from the door). This isn't a great solution. I need something better.

I've seen a lot about making my own fume extractor, which seems like a good idea, but it takes up a lot of space, costs money, and needs the filters changed periodically. I also looked into putting a fan up in the attic, drawing the exhaust up there and then venting it out from the attic (with gable vents, etc), but my attic is nicely insulated so getting up there and getting things installed will be a huge pain. Then there's just putting a hole in the wall and venting straight outside, but I'd rather not put holes in the wall, and I'm not sure about a permanent location for the laser either...

So all roads kinda keep leading back to building some sort of fume extraction device. Assuming I build it right, should I be able to cut thick acrylic with no smell? I also saw a Hakko soldering fume extraction unit locally for around $100, which is a great deal, I was wondering if that would work. It has 3 stages (pre-filter, HEPA filter, and activated carbon filter). My only concern is that the airflow isn't stated and might not be high enough for a laser. Thoughts on that?