I have about a 20 foot long red pine log that I'd like to harvest for lumber. It fell down during a storm last year. The tree is on an embankment, fairly steep, leaning out over and just to the shoreline of the lake by my cabin. Last winter I cut off the top and managed to drag a 5 foot long (11 inch diameter) piece across the snow / ice. It was all I could manage to move that. Now what I'd like to do is to cut the balance into 6 or maybe 7 foot lengths (easy enough) and move the pieces up off the shoreline and up the property where I can work with them.

I plan to cut the pieces lengthwise with my chainsaw into rough lumber.

This is the 5 foot piece after ripping it in half with my chainsaw

In this picture you can see the tree laying down the hill on the middle right of the picture (before I cut the top off).
How would you guys go about moving the log pieces in a location like this where there is no good access for power equipment?