mailboxPost.jpgLargeVaseMixedWoods.jpgThe finished vase is about 16" high and 7" at max. Contains walnut, maple, cherry, sassafras, and some fiss (found in shop scraps) wood. Rings start with 15 as first ring on bottom and each successive rings adds one piece. Ie 15,16,17 etc to 44 in the next to the top. The top ring is made with 8 and 16 segments add (720 degrees) and then the 24 segment ring has the reverse wedge to end with total of 360.

The taller one is not finished and is about 41" tall and around 13" at max. This was to be a mailbox post redwood and cedar cut as segmented rings with 16 wedges to a ring. About 900 pieces.
HOWEVER, it has been suggested that they would be better used as lamps.
Looking for your input on use.
