Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post
You should be able to fix the photos before posting. I've done this many times but didn't remember exactly what I did so I tried it again just now....
I think you missed the original point of my post. If you are a Mac OS X and iPhone user, regardless of how your phone is positioned (any of 4 possible orientations) the pic always looks correct on you Mac using any Apple software: Preview iPhoto, Photos, and Aperture).

So the only way to know if there is a problem is to upload the pic to SMC first, see which way it needs to be rotated, now rotate it on your Mac so the original image is now crooked on your Mac, then rename it and upload it again to SMC, deleting the original upload.

I hold my iPhone in any of the 4 possible orientations, depending on where I want the camera lens to be relative to how I am shooting the pic (for closeups this can matter). So for a landscape pic it might need either a +90 or -90 rotation, and I don't currently have an easy way of knowing which way to rotate it until I upload the pic to SMC.

I understand this is not an SMC problem, it is a well known problem with the vBulletin software.

If you stick to only using two orientations you could just remember, always rotate landscapes +/-90 degrees (I forget which one). That's probably what I'll do in the future.