I have finally cleaned out enough space in my "shop" to get around to some fun projects. I have come to the point where I need to buy some bar clamps or pipe clamps. I am definitely not going to be using them every day so I am interested in a value buy. I am not opposed to paying more for something that is exceptional but I don't really understand the differences and can't justify paying for Jorgensen over Woodcraft. I guess I will get to my questions.

Is there an advantage with either bar or pipe clamps? How many people actually change out the pipe length to buy fewer clamps?

How many should I grab initially? My first project will be a mudroom storage bench. My thought is that you can't have too many, right? But they can be too short. Is too long just a hassle moving around the project?

I am not sure I made my point clear, but anyone who can decipher this and offer a suggestion will be greatly appreciated.