I've built a dozen trestle tables over the years but never anything as large as this and my main concern is making this 16 ft by 4 ft top from solid red oak becvause it will weigh SO MUCH!!!. He wants a thick table (2.5") and at 44 lbs per cublic foot, I end up with a top that weighs 586 lbs. Almost impossible to work with unless you have cranes in your shop. I was thinking that I could make the outside edge 2.5" and all the rest of the top (of the interior section) I'd make at 1.25" thick. / this brings the weight down to 338lbs.... which is, at least, possible to manipulate (turn over, etc. I'm looking for EXPERIENCED woodworkers to tell me if they think that my design (to make it lighter) will still be strong enough for this 16X4 size.I'll thank you guys in advance. I think it will be fine but I'd love to hear what others think.....
russell hudsontable top drawing.jpg