Last fall I modded my underground sprinkler system that I originally installed 42 years ago. I pump out of a lake with a 1.5 hp pump. I always was able to get by running it on one zone until recently when pressure began to drop as I added a hew heads to try to get full coverage. So I split it into two zones be adding two 1.5" Toro valves. Pressure went from 18 psi to 35 psi at the pump, greatly increasing my coverage. But the increase in pressure is playing havoc with my old black poly pipes. Today I am working on locating and fixing my third major break in the 1.5" main. Of course they aren't out in the open, the seem to occur either under a flower bed, a curb or in an area where roots from my maples and cottonwoods go berserk. In one case I started digging 5 feet from where the break was. I found that one by walking the route of the main and suddenly I felt like I was walking on a eight foot diameter waterbed. In each case the break is associated with heavy roots trying to push the pipe out of the way and each break takes at least 3 hours of digging and trips to the hardware store to fix. so tired of snipping, chopping and sawing roots. I will be happy when I can finally get it back to normal and just enjoy summer.

On the good side, I replaced my simple pump timer with an Orbit b-hyve WiFi timer. So now I can start and stop the pump from my smart phone while while standing next to a bad sprinkler or main.