I expect to have a 20” griggio jointer heading my way this week, and I had a few questions concerning maintenance. Really, questions not specific to any one brand or machine. I plan on having my local machine/tool shop swap the cutterhead bearings, and sending the motor off to a motor shop to do the drive shaft bearing. Does anyone have experience doing this and Estimated costs? The shop charges $70/hr and I estimated I would be in for $400-500 to have this work done. The machine is 25-30 years old, and I assume hasn’t seen an ounce of work since it was pressed into service. This brings up the next question. For how much people talk about bearing replacement, what is the typical lifespan on most machines? I’ve seen dozens of unisaws, 66s, and other light duty tools that are 20, 30, 40 years old and still humming right along. I can almost certainly guarantee these machines had nothing done to them. I’m not exactly looking to shirk the maintenance costs on this jointer, but it makes me wonder about typical lifespan and maintenance schedules. My other used tools from pro shops were stripped down and everything replaced. Just makes me more comfortable knowing something is coming into the shop at a fresh baseline.