Some of you may have read a post earlier that I made about the trouble I've been having with cutting laminate flooring with a carbide tipped blade. After talking to the flooring manufacturer (DuPont) I was told that they don't recommend using a carbide blade but instead suggest a diamond blade. Well I tried a diamond blade and it didn't work even nearly as well as the carbide one I was using. Actually it was a brand new carbide blade when I started and it worked fairly well but dulled VERY fast. On another members suggestion I looked into the Freud blade that is made specifically for cutting laminate flooring and melamine. It's a 7" 54 tooth triple-chip grind and cost me $75 but so far it's worth every penny. I used it today and was very impressed. It cut that flooring like a hot knife through butter and not a chip in site ! Glass smooth CLEAN cut ! And that was even cutting right side up and not cutting from the back. Most of the time when cutting material like this with a circular saw I cut it from the back side to reduce the chipping but with this blade that is not needed. Sure it cost a lot more than a standard circular saw blade but it really helps to have the correct tool for the job.

Thanks for all of the input folks. I just thought I'd give you a little feedback on my experience with using one of your suggestions.
