Hey all,
I have an old house in a historic district, so windows have to be 100% wood. The existing windows are single pane, not square, don't seal and many are painted and caulked completely shut. We got one guy who we thought could do it, but he turned out to be a flake and never got hard numbers. We just got another quote that was 20k for 14 windows for double pane and dividers/muntins on the tops of most of them. Seemed pretty high to me. The econmy down here for remodel and construction is pretty frisky, so it's hard to get good work out of contractors because there is a ton of demand.
Up to this point, I've wanted to pay someone to do this work, but for 20k, I'm rethinking. We actually just want to redo a room or two, which was mentioned but not quoted (entire house only)
I've got construction experience (mostly framing) and some wood working experience, mostly on a CNC router. How hard of a project do you think this would be to take on? My tools are CNC router, bandsaw, miter saw. I would pick up a table saw.

Thanks in advance for the advice.