Howdy, Folks! Been a while since I've ventured into The Creek, but here I be...and I've got questions!

We will be moving into a new rental home in just a few weeks, and I'm trying to figure out the best way for us to maximize the space we will have. The house has a very nice, fully-finished basement. The dimensions are approximately 25'x30'. My hope is to divide this large room into two smaller rooms, to be used by my daughters as bedrooms. The simplest way would be to just hang a big 'ol curtain right down the middle, but I'd like to try to give them both a little more privacy than that. I'm open to putting up a temporary wall (all screws, studs/drywall, no tape or mud), but am wondering if there is a more "elegant" solution than that. The only limiting factor would be that I would have to de-construct anything at the end of our lease.

So, what say YOU fine people of The Creek?

