Hello all,
I have made a friend in Denmark. He is a beginning luthier, but has been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy which has severely curtailed his ability to do the hand work involved. I've been trying to find ways to help him, but being in the US, there's not much I can do. I thought about shaping some necks on my CNC for him, but he says shipping would be pretty bad but import duties from outside the EU are something like 80%. Good golly that's madness and for a small guy trying to do what he loves and maybe make a little money at it, it puts the possibility out of reach. He has spoken to job shops near him, but they have big industrial machines and industrial operations that again, cost far too much to rent out time on.

So, I thought of coming to you all. I know some here are pro shops, many are garage jobbers, and I'm sure some of you have to be in the EU, maybe even Denmark. Would any of you be willing to help him, or point him in the right direction to find some fellow woodworkers with CNCs that could be of assistance? Due to his disease he has little energy for the shop, so I'd guess this needs would be a couple hours a month maybe for a neck or two. Buying the necks off you is a possibility, if it could be done at a reasonable price point, otherwise he would need to find someone near him he could rent time on your machine or something. The idea is to eventually have a CNC of his own so he could be more productive, but with his life circumstances right now he doesn't have anywhere near the money to buy or make a CNC.

Thanks everyone,