Has anyone ever used Rockler's Sketchlist 3D Design software? I was using Sketchup but, since Trimble took over and started charging annual fees, it's no longer quite as desirable for someone like me who just wants something to help design furniture as a hobby. The Rockler software is $200, but it's a one-time fee although it's unclear how upgrades are handled.

Just wondering if it's easier to use than Trimble's Sketchup and whether it is a design program that doesn't take a long time to learn.

Also, wondering if the program allows easy changes to the drawing once drawn similar to Sketchup?

Don't want to invest in a program with a long learning curve at this point in my life, but I do like having a 3D drawing program to help with design and do like being able to make easy changes to drawing components.

I plan to download the 14-day trial version, but sometimes it's difficult to tell what a program is like during a short period.