I'm looking at adding the Shapton Glass 16k to my sharpening regimen, and everywhere I read, it says to use the $116 Shapton holder. One site says it's OK to use their "economical" adjustable rubber base instead. That's more palatable, but I'd really prefer to use the holder I made from QS white oak. It fits my tray nicely, and it's doubtful the other one will. Plus, I just like my process, and don't want to change if not really necessary.

The Shapton FAQ, talking about their traditional (not Glass) stones, says not to use a wood holder because the stone might absorb too much water from the wet wood, and it would weaken the stone.

I don't want to ruin a pricey stone, but I can't see the glass base soaking up water from sitting on a piece of wet oak for a minute or two. The way my process works, I only have the one holder, and the stones rotate. The Shapton would spend it's life on a (dry) shelf, when not actually being used to sharpen.
