Hello All,

I'm in the process of building new shop after my relocation to TX back in 2017. I've been reading the various threads regarding LED lighting and I think that seems like the obvious choice. It seems like there are two general options. One is to purchase standard fluorescent fixtures and set them up with LED tube bulbs. The other is to purchase LED fixtures that already have the bulbs/strips installed - basically plug and play. Based on the various links in some of the threads, the second option seems like it might be the most cost effective. My concern is that when one these fail, the bulbs cannot be replaced. So you end up scrapping the existing fixture and purchasing a new one. I know the life span of LEDs is supposed to be really long, but I'm hoping to use this shop for many years and this seems potentially wasteful. Also, I don't want to end up with a patchwork light situation if I have random failures over time and can't find the same brand/design for a replacement in the future.

Is this a legitimate concern, or do I just need to get over it?
