I'm looking at the potential of acquiring a local company that has a 60W Focused Light Engraving CO2 Galvo Laser. It runs on a software called FLE LaserMark. I believe it's a tweaked/customized version of LaserMark, which seems pretty common in the world of Galvo lasers. The actual laser source is a 60W ULS tube. It's not the new type but the older type made by I believe Coherant. It was rebuilt about a couple of years ago.

I spoke to the owner of FLE who was a very nice guy and told me about the machine. I've also spoken to the owners of the company, who seem to use the laser to get the job done, but beyond that, have limited knowledge/interest.

I'm just looking for any feedback/info anyone has to help in the decision making process. It seems like a decent machine to add to our shop but I don't want to over/under value it either.