I know of the finish but have never used it. It's just easier for a person to apply it by hand than conventional varnishes. It's about the consistency of mayonnaise but what separates from regular poly is when applying it is it has a lot more open time to work it. Regular poly begins to set up as soon as it comes out of a can but the gel poly you can apply it and go over and over it until you get a smooth finish over the entire surface without any drag or brush marks. Now since it's slow to set up you would have to have a very clean work space to apply it. Then you could only apply one coat every 24 hours in good conditions. If it was cool or damp it might take days to dry enough for another coat. What worries me is they have reformulated the finish to make it easier to apply, what's it going to do with the quality of the finish itself once applied and dried. I have a hunch it won't be as hard of a finish and won't last as long.

Any finish when exposed to air will skim over or harden in the can. There are those that put marbles in the can to raise fluid levels so there is less air in the can. Then I've heard of people putting gasses such as argon in the can but I could never see how you could put it in and shut the lid fast enough, As far as storage a finish will last longer if kept cold and it also helps if the can was shaken every couple of weeks.