Hello there, been a bit but I figure I'd post here before I bug Table Mountain.

(Fusion M2 100/50 Watt laser) I etched steel this morning via Fiber source, lowered the focus and repeated the file (touched nothing), and the anneal print was off about 1.5-2mm to the left of the original print. This was done with a fiber only 5" lens, I did the same thing with the included 3" dual lens and macro photo showed no change (although the increased focal distance of the 5" could magnify the problem and I might not be seeing the change with the 3").

This is first time I've ever seen this happen, I've seen double prints with older machines with loose belts but I can consistently make this happen, the more I move the focus closer to the table the more the imprint prints to the left.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated - We also just had another lens sent to us (the 5" in question), I'm honestly hoping its a pre alignment issue, no time to align optics right now with Holiday rushs.

Thanks in advance!