Hi guys,

I'm curious if there are any experienced and skilled sawyers here that are familiar with quality old Disstons or other quality handsaw AND have had an opportunity to have a good play with one of the handsaws made by Badaxe?

There doesn't seem to be any real world reviews out there ahort of maybe one or two brief ones in mainstream woodworking media.

Is this because nobody who owns nice Disstons has any need or desire for a modern saw and those who have boight a badaxe have no need for an old saw or bought the badaxe because they couldn't find a nice old saw to begin with? Hence there just aren't experienced sawyers out there with both?

I just find the lack of info surprising and I was hoping to read how the modern saws do given that taper grinding, hammer tensioning, and even steels used are apparently very difficult to get right vs the older saws that had this down pat. Do the Badaxe saws get this all right?

Cheers, Dom