Hi all

We have a GCC X380 laser and it started playing up in April, by distorting the smooth line when cutting, and would occasionally continue off on a straight vertical line.

Since then we have replaced the x motor, main motor.

The laser cut well for about a few weeks before power drained so we installed the new laser glass tube (with guidance and alignment check from our technician via remote video).

When we installed the new glass tube the water inlet tube snapped (i rotated it to have the sticker 'this way up' which put the inlet tube under the laser tube and on the metal bar which snapped the glass under its own weight).

Not having access to another laser tube without ordering a new one, I managed to fix the glass tube by inserting pvc tubing into the inlet (not far) and siliconing it in place, with a cable tie.

There are no leaks and the laser cuts.

The jaggered lines have started so we ordered new cable ribbons however they didnt change anything.

The only thing I can think of is perhaps water flow now has uneven pressure from going through to a slightly smaller tubing as it enters the laser (where I repaired it) and the flow is causing distortion for the laser beam?

I am at a loss here.

Can someone please help troubleshoot?

This is for our business and our backup laser cant cope with demand.

Thanks in advance.
