I live in an 1870 farmhouse in southeastern PA that I bought 3 years ago, and don’t have AC. The house stays comfortable so I don’t feel I need it, but mold is an issue. Upstairs is usually fine, but downstairs basically all my wooden furniture starts to get moldy when it’s humid. There are also some renovated sections of the house that have drywall instead of plaster so I get mold from the floor to maybe 4’ up the walls. The house is mostly non insulated and I don’t have an AC system, so I keep most the windows open in the warm seasons. The house has a half basement with a concrete floor and a dirt floor crawl space. The house is frame with asbestos siding. I live on top of a hill so I don’t have any issues with water in the basement. I’m thinking of installing a ductless AC system next year just because of the mold, but what did they do before AC?