Hi All - This is my first time posting after a long time reading and learning. I'm totally at a loss w/ what happened to my box. I sanded to 220, then 2 coats of Waterlox Tung Oil then 2 coats of General Finishes Semi-Gloss. It was perfect at this point and I was excited to buff a final coat of wax to finish it off and present to my wife as a gift. However, after letting it sit for the recommended 20 minutes I went to rub it off and it was all cloudy and white and wouldn't come off at all. The wood is truly beautiful and I've worked hard so I'm determined to salvage this project. Can anyone help me? I'd love to know what caused this and how I can fix it. Thank you!
Box Wax 2.jpgBox Wax 1.jpgBox Wax 3.jpg