Should be a simple answer, right?

I’m adding a mini-shop/storage shed to the rear of my garage (as some of you have heard). I’m planning on running electrical this weekend (which may open another thread), and then it’s time to add interior walls.

But I’m unsure if I should take the time now to insulate?

The main reason I’d want to insulate now is just to avoid the hassle of removing cabinets down the road (whatever I use for a wall covering will have exposed screws... no plaster or anything at this point)

But right now it’s added cost without any benefit (The roof/ceiling is un-insulated... and the garage it’s attached to isn’t I wouldn’t benefit from insulated walls).

Then: when I am working out of my garage, 90% of the time my doors are open anyways...

I’m curious if anybody can help sway me one way or the other?