I have a Onefinity on order that will do 32" both directions (x and Y). It'll be shipped early next month. However they just announced a wider X axis for it. It's probably a $500 upgrade but it would allow for 48" giving the machine a 32"x48" with the ability to do a full size sheet of plywood. I have no plans on using it commercially but not having set plans on what I want to do I'm wondering if I should just do the upgrade. Chances are it's not even going to cost that much because with the wider width they had to make it stiffer. They also offer a stiffer 32" wide x-axis (both come with a stronger stepper motor and ball screw) that I'm sure I would get for $150 ~ $200. So for $350 is it worth getting an extra 16" of width? What sorts of projects have you done that were larger than 32" in both directions?