First off, I just received my new 9” grain 10 cabinet makers rasp and I am highly pleased with its performance. I was concerned that the 10 grain would be too fine, but it is actually quite aggressive for the chair work I am doing.

So, a few questions for Auriou owners. What grain is your favorite and why? They are expensive! But, I am not opposed to owning another one as they seem to be as good as folks have reported.

What do you use to clean your rasp when it gets loaded with shavings? I have a two sided brush that was bought decades ago, fine wire on one side and coarse synthetic bristles on the other, but I wonder if there is a better way or if the fine metal bristles will dull the rasp.

Is there a practical way to reduce loading? Seems I recall a previous discussion about the loading issue, but can’t recall the suggestions.
