Hello! Obviously I’m new here, or at least a new member. I’ve searched the threads here for answers to almost everything that has gone wrong with my laser. Although I think I’ve read maybe 100 threads this time, none of them have the exact same symptoms as I currently do. I am hoping that someone here can maybe point me in the right direction. My omtech 80w laser will fire for a split second when I hit pulse on the controller or when I unplug the Ethernet amp meter and 6 pin controller connection and hit test. If I hold either one, the laser fires and sputters/stops. I made sure it’s set to continuous fire (the 0 in the settings) as I read on a different thread. It engraved most of a job and just quit engraving very well, then went to cut and made it 80% of the way around and stopped firing altogether. Then after a few days of troubleshooting the whole ‘laser will only pulse and won’t run any job from lightburn thing) I ran the file in the controller (the little test one) and it didn’t engrave the name portion but the squares at different powers engraved fine. It didn’t cut though. About a week after that, I put a brand new power supply in, same problem. I changed the controller, loaded my last working backup settings and same issue. I can see the tube with bright pink light at seemingly full strength when I hit test or pulse and it sort of fizzles to no light. I did take videos of that. I have disabled the door sensor and water protection both and the problem is still there. I reenabled them to make sure I didn’t cause any problems accidentally. I’ve also checked everything I have seen recommended with a multimeter. The power supply is at 120v. The controller has 5v as do all the motors and such. I tested for continuity on probably every dang connection and I made sure every single one of the 120 plus connections in the machine are solid and secure. At this point, I’m really wondering if it is my tube. I’ve only had it 5 months or so and I’ve had to replace two power supplies already which seems odd to me. I only run it at 40% power max and my chiller 5200 is set to 15° Celsius.

Other maybe relevant details, it has been getting pretty cold here but my laser is in the insulated and climate controlled garage (it is close to the garage door though which isn’t completely insulated) I also had to replace the focal lens about two weeks before this happened because the old one was completely cracked somehow. I do clean the machine regularly following all the advice here and none of the optics are cloudy. I went from what I believe was a 2” lens to 2.5” because that’s all I could find. I did a ramp test and set everything and ran probably 40 successful jobs before the current issue.