13 Mar 2023

No real shop time this past week due to work, stuff needing to get done around the house and I finally decided it was time to get away from work for an entire weekend....for the 1st time in almost 20 years, I had a full weekend of doing nothing but relaxing, watching a movie or two and thinking about projects I need to finish. IMHO, it's amazing at how expensive things have gotten in my world of woodworking. Makes one wonder how people can afford to even get started in woodworking now days. Spent some time helping The LOML with her MS Excel and MS Access college homework. Good thing that I've got about 40 years in the I.T. industry from operations to programming to sys-admin work, networking, and various operating systems and storage. I'm ready to retire from IT work.....Maybe this time next year, I'll look at what it will look like for retirement.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all!