I wanted to make picture frames for a bunch of posters and so I looked at all my woodworking books. Basically they all said a "proper" picture frame MUST HAVE mitered corners. No exposed end grain. However, the first one I did was for the Anarchist Tool Chest. Nothing seem right. I decided to follow a Chis Schwarz's saying "Disobey me". Looking at the poster I realized that the chest lid itself would make a good picture frame. It uses mortice & tenon joinery, which is very strong. Decide to make all the frames in a similar fashion out of different woods. Pined the joints, either one or two pins with the pins being a different wood. All the edge were beveled to minimize dust buildup. I used a dark beeswax finish on them. Even though they are not proper, most people like them. They will not fall apart. (So now you can also see that I do woodworking on occasion.)

Quilted Maple








Osage Orange
