• My laser: 40W ULS VersaLaser with 2" lens
  • Laser settings: power=90%, speed=3.6%, PPI=300, z=.110" With and without air assist.
  • The material: 3/16" cast acrylic, with 8mil photo print and 3mil poly lamination film. The paper mask still on the underside of the acrylic.
  • The problem: laser burns/melts the lamination film at point of the cut

I have tried for years to solve the above problem, and a few days ago I tried lowering the focal point from .177" to .110" and I got absolutely perfect cuts!

The next day I used the SAME piece of scrap, the SAME settings and I got the SAME old terrible cuts.

It seems my laser accidently made a few marvelous cuts.

I would be forever grateful if someone would help me solve this mystery. Any ideas? Maybe erratic power output? Global warming? ??? Stock prices?
