Quote Originally Posted by David Fegen View Post
Thanks everyone for responding and helping out - there is some good info in the above posts for sure.

And just to be crystal clear on the issue I'm facing, I can't seem to get the iron to cut evenly across it's width (i.e. cut evenly from left-to-right) while having the iron project out from the side of the plane body just right (and not too far), so that is can properly cut into a corner.

As pointed out, I didn't mention that the blade is manufactured to be slightly wider than the width of the block-plane, by 0.005" for this plane (according to LN).

Everything with the plane looks ok as far as I can tell - the iron side is square to the sharpened end, etc.

David G., I think you and I are on the same page - you definitely are feeling my pain!

I'm sure most here have seen this by now, but Chris Schwarz is apparently not a fan of this plane: https://neversponsored.substack.com/...plane-to-avoid

Too bad he didn't have any tips on how to set it up properly!

David, the message that should be read into my post is that this is a specialised plane. It is not for use as a standard block plane, and in this I echo what Chris Schwarz had written. There are those that purchase this plane in the expectation that it would make a decent block plane. Well, it does not! The specialised uses it is put to involved getting into nooks and crannies. Mine lives in a drawer for much of the time. But when it is needed, there are few other planes to substitute (there are others: wide shoulder plane, rabbet/rebate plane without a fence, jack rabbet/rebate plane). When you think of the plane as a rabbet/rebate plane, then set up is easy enough.

Regards from Perth (travelling in New Zealand)
