Ok, That's my question. Does anyone know for sure?
Is it the bugs? Is it stress?

I'll accept theories too!

I had one large trunk of a three trunk BE break away from the rest right at the ground. I thought there might still be roots, say maybe a third still feeding this 18" trunk. It's been down 9 months or so and the branches are getting green and showing new bud growth.

My hope was that the red was a reaction/defence to stress and that possibly by leaving it the tree might be pumping the red stuff to the fallen branch and maybe the rest of the tree.

This tree and another in the yard are scheduled by my other half for removal from the yard..
If I could cause the red to happen by driving a few railroad spikes into the base of the tree or somthing like that I would.
Then cut them down later and enjoy!

What cha all think?
