Good afternoon to all!
I just purchased a Graco 4900 4 stage HVLP turbine unit. I bought it from Craig's List here locally and I think I got a very good deal. It appears to be in excellent condition; used only once by a professional painter who had a cabinet job to do when his primary work is house painting. He really needed the money and parted with it very reasonably.

I would like to know if there are Graco HVLP users out there and if they have any hints, ideas, thoughts, etc. regarding how to get the best out of this unit. For example, the manual says that you thin until the material dripping off a stick drops about once per second. Wouldn't one of those cups with a hole in it be more precise? What do you strain stuff with? So many questions; so little brain.

Secondly, does anyone know of a video that might help me get started on HVLP techniques? I am really, really new at this. My previous efforts at spraying were centered around about a dozen cans of Deft laquer.

I know that Jim uses Target water-born coatings. I would be very interested in his chiming in with recommendations, places to buy, etc. I tend to think water-born to keep from blowing myself up. I don't have a spray-booth. This will be done in my garage (I mean workshop).

Thanks a lot.
Warren White